Kuro Opening by Yui Horie video I do not own the rights to the audiovisual content featured in this presentation. Sloth An Emperor blind to the needs of others, Finds himself mesmerized with another. Bakemonogatari Opening 3 Completo Ambivalent World video http: Full opening to the Ougi Dark arc. Kuro anime opening song 'Perfect Slumbers' performed by Yui Bakemonogatari anime opening song 'Ambivalent World' performed by Miyuki Uploader: Sataur Date Added: 7 July 2005 File Size: 38.36 Mb Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/2003/7/8/10 MacOS 10/X Downloads: 1213 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required ] Bakemonogatari, Opening 3 Arc: I had to be kinda quiet recording this so rip. The last day of my adolescence Artist: Hoseok - introduction Originally posted by btsbee Sin: Tsubasa Tiger anime opening song Originally posted by bangtan...